All my quotes on life, spirituality, etc.
- If you will wait for others approval to do something good or right that you know as right from your best judgement, then you might have to wait for a long time and you may never do anything worthwhile in life. Do what you know as right, do not wait for other's approval or support. There are thousands waiting to pull your leg, true supporters are but few.
- By putting bad fuel into the vehicle can you expect it to perform well? Then how can you expect the mind to perform well when you keep putting bad and negative thoughts in it?
- It is not the events or situations that make your life a hell, it is the people in your life that do.
- If you are not happy and content where you are today, there is a greater chance that you will not be happy and content where you want to be someday. Happiness is a state of mind that should be decoupled from the state of your body, life and events.
- Life even if devoid of an inherent purpose, a purposeless life should never be lived.
- You cannot simply remain focused on the result and remain at peace. To be able to be at peace and maintain serenity you have to shift your focus away from the results to your actions alone. You have control over your actions not on the results. If all that you are striving for is a certain and particular outcome, then you are sure to meet with tension and pressure at the cost of mental peace.
- With your mind evolving and becoming more and more saint like, you cannot simply expect yourself to take delight in mundane actions. Rather you may find yourself unable to live life the mundane way like other people. It's the side effect and also the price you have to pay for walking on the path of enlightenment.
- Marriage doesn't necessarily mean love. Love doesn't necessarily mean marriage. Love or no love, you have to be at peace.
- Sleep away your nights, work away your days while meditating all the time on your true inner self.
- Do not take a life time to live life the way it should be lived. Start living life the right way with the right habits from today itself.