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Wisdom is the way for the wise

Published:Jan 25, 2019

For the wise it is highly difficult to live an unwise life. The wise have a consciousness and inner voice that actively discerns right from the wrong at every step of their life and every choice and decisions they make. So if at any time any wrong action is taken by the influence of the fleeting mind or its desires, that inner consciousness starts to rebel. This not only creates distress and unhappiness in the mind, but also gives rise to feelings of guilt and repentance. So the thing to understand for the people who are wise is that, they will never find happiness living like other people whose lives are not driven by wisdom. While they will find fun and happiness out of an disordered and impulsive way of living, the wise will only get scorned by the inner consciousness for trying to do so. It is only by living and making decisions by wisdom that the wise will find happiness for in doing that the wise is acting according to its own nature. And by acting according to one’s own nature is what brings in the sense of happiness and fulfilment to people’s lives. The nature of the fool is to act as a fool and by acting as a fool he is happy, if he were not happy he wouldn’t be acting as a fool. Similarly, the nature of the wise is to act as a wise, by not acting and living as a wise the wise cannot find happiness and peace for acting otherwise is contrary to the wise’s nature. Understanding this, one should live life and make decisions according to wisdom alone when one has been privileged with the gift of wisdom pertaining to the affairs of life.