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Why does God test us?

Published:Mar 29, 2019

God tests us, it is an universally known fact. When we walk on the path of virtue and righteousness we are bound to be tested. But why must we be tested? What is the importance of testing? We know that God is all knowing, so does He not know the results in advance that He must test us? He knows us in and out better than we know ourselves. He knows how we will do in a test, whether we will pass or fail in advance. So what’s the point of testing?

Well the thing is, God doesn’t test us so that He may know the faith and conviction we have in Him, but because we may know ourselves where do we stand in our faith and devotion to Him. And not just that, He may test so that others may know the character and virtue of a godly person even in the midst of trials and turbulence. God’s tests are not for Him, but for us. They help us build and strengthen our faith and character.

Let’s take the case of Job for example. He was not tested because God wanted to test Job’s faith, He already knew Job and praised him for his faith. He put him into test to let Satan know that Job’s faith is true and will not dwindle under befallen misfortune. God already knows the answers to any test or trail that we may undergo. But by going through the tests we find out our strengths and weaknesses. The tests help us to know our shortcomings and areas to improve. So tests are an important part in the journey of faith. We should be open to it eagerly as an opportunity to know ourselves better and test our own faith.

Blessed are those who are tested

There are many different ways in which we may be tested. Our tests comprise of elements that we are most weak in. For example, if we are greedy we may be tested with ways to make money or obtain something in an unjust way. If we are lustful we may be tempted with unlawful sensual activities. If we get angry easily we may be tested with anger causing situations. There are various ways in which we can be tested and tempted. But this temptation is essential. For if we are not tempted we will not win over temptation and if we will not win over temptation how will be rewarded?

So it is to be remembered that tests and temptations are nothing but opportunities for us to prove ourselves. They are stepping stones towards spiritual progress. In your journey of faith always remember what the scripture says, ”Blessed are those who endure when they are tested. When they pass the test, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” - James 1.12