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What will be waiting for you

Published:Jan 23, 2019

Time will certainly pass. No body can stop it, no body can rewind it. And with time all the fun, enjoyment and indulgence will also pass and you will only be  left with an old weak body with which you will be waiting for death. If life was not lived with virtue and integrity then what will you be looking for after death? Certainly nothing encouraging or cheerful. But if the time on earth was spent with virtue, integrity, righteousness and God’s way, you will be waiting cheerfully for an eternal life of joy and bliss to come. A life lived away from sin and in accordance with the Lord’s words will have joy in waiting while a life devoid of Lord’s words and lived like any other animal will only have despondency in store. While the obedient will have a happy and eternal life to wait for, the disobedient will have nothing but only fear. So chose wisely how on earth you will be spending your time, for it is not the enjoyments of the youth that matters the most, but it is your experience during your old age that matters. Youth will pass away anyway, but your last experiences of life that will stay with you are the experiences of your old age. And during that time if you do not have joy and happiness waiting for you in the after life, then none of your fun and enjoyment of the youth will be of any use.