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What have you been blessed with?

Published:Feb 7, 2019

God is not so careless to send us to this world without any purpose and without any plan for us in His mind. If we are here, then how tiny and how insignificant it may be, but there is a reason behind our existence and our mere coming into existence serves some purpose of God. To play our part well in this vast world and within the society we live in God has given each of us some quality and skill with which we can serve the society and ultimately serve God and our own selves. But the thing to understand here is that everyone is given certain skills and capabilities by God as per the purpose he or she will serve in the world. So while someone has been gifted with beauty, someone else with music. While someone has been gifted with wealth, someone else has been gifted with wisdom. This is the diversity with which God has planned and created the world. So the question you should ask yourself is not what others have but you don’t, but what you have been gifted and blessed with. Doesn’t matter how little of value may something seem to you in your life, but take a look from a different perspective and you will find that many things that you have taken for granted in life are nothing but a blessing from God. You have been blessed with life itself, what to tell more! Is not life itself is more important than other things? So ask the right question and you will get answer. There are many things that you may not have been blessed with, but there will certainly be things with which you have been blessed by God. Accept that, serve others as a valuable member of the society and the human community in general with whatever you have been gifted and blessed with instead of wasting life thinking of things you have not been blessed with.