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What a fool one would be

Published:Oct 11, 2018

What a fool one would be to except life to be free of pain and suffering when one’s very coming to the world is filled with pain and crying. The very moment one comes out from the mother’s womb one starts to cry in pain without even being taught by anyone. When the path to life begins with pain and suffering and helpless crying, how life itself, the rest of the journey, can be free from pain and suffering? So to expect life to be free from pain and suffering would be like expecting water from the mirage. Realising this the wise should never be bothered by the pain that the world has to offer from time to time whether the pain be of physical or mental in nature. Instead, accepting the life to be a journey filled with pain and pleasure one should grieve not. Life is as it is, our wishful thinking cannot change it. Accepting life the way it is, we should just get going focusing on things that are in our hand to do.