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We are made to be creative

Published:Jan 3, 2019

Have you ever marvelled how magnificent the human mind/brain is? Take for instance the case of dreams. Not only you see dreams of objects and persons that you have seen in your every day life or at some time in your life, but also you see dreams of events, objects and persons that are completely new to you. How does the brain come up with these, how does it constructs and imagines such wonderful or at some times terrifying situations? Indeed there is a creative side of it which imagines and constructs visuals, events and stories as the logical side of the brain lies down unconscious. So if we being such tiny beings in the vast universe are able to imagine and give rise to new worlds in our own imagination and even from time to time dwell in them, think of how probable it must not be for us to be the imagination and creation of a being higher than us. The scripture says God has created humans in His image. So it is not unlikely that we will have some traits and attributes similar to God. In fact there have been many schools of thought in Vedic religion taking into account the similarities and differences between hosts, the living beings, and God, the lord of the hosts. So among many similar attributes that we share with God one attribute is creativity. God loves creation, so also we have been empowered to create. God created the world and we are creating in the world with whatever elements God provided. So creativity is something of divine origin that we must cultivate with admiration. If we are not being creative, then we are not being human. We as human beings have been given the power to create which we should utilise fully by doing great work to the best of our abilities in our daily life irrespective of our vocations. We may not be all great artists or great scientists, but we all have the divine spark of creativity lying within us that if we will tend to will allow us to do great work everyday in our life with sincerity and responsibility. For it is the Lord’s desire that we take care of the world that He created through meaningful work and cooperation among each other.