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Walk on your own path

Published:Jan 13, 2019

In the journey of life people are at different stages and at different maturity levels. Their way of life, behavior and actions are direct result of the maturity level of their minds. What one likes and does is controlled by what one believes and at what level of maturity ones mind is operating. Therefore, neither get bothered by nor get persuaded by others actions. Let people do whatever they believe to be worth doing and let them indulge in things that they think as the best use of their time. Let them pursuit worldly achievements and run after worldly things, but don’t let  yourself believe that you should also be doing the same things. As per your level of maturity in the journey of life you may have found that spirituality is what matters the most or virtue is what you should uphold. So walk on your own path, do whatever reason tells you to be of real value. Without getting bothered by the ways of the world and trying to follow others, complete your own journey of life.