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Value of life

Published:Jan 22, 2019

Born into this world we see people coming and going. We ourselves are subject to birth and death alike. This temporariness of life often raises the question of its purposefulness from time to time. What do we on earth exactly live for?  Swayed by desires alone the life is to be lived or there exists a higher purpose? Life is not the gift any of us had ever asked for, but yet here we are all,  struggling, enjoying, fighting, crying, loving and dying for life. A gift that we never desired was graciously gifted to us, but having got it once how wonderful it is not that we grow so fond of it and so attached to it to never let it go. We wish for more life and more in life, yet life is not our own. By time we come, by time we go. While going is a must, why staying is what we always hope for? On the face of ever existing time what does it matter whether we existed or not. What does it matter whether we lived or not? Of what significance and of what value are all our lives when the truth is the ultimate annihilation? From an uninformed observers point of view this tiny spark of life has hardly any value in the face of the infinite cosmos. But regardless of how valueless life may seem, God, the creator of life Himself, doesn’t think that way. He does nothing that has no value, especially something so wonderful and beautiful as life. In His eyes every tiniest of life has value and purpose. Who are we then to waste away life in hopelessness giving into valueless philosophies of the nihilists and atheists? If we consider how difficult it is and what number of odds that has to be overcome for a human life to come to exist, we will certainly start to think all this was never meant to go in vain and we will start to take life seriously. Life may seem small or our time here may be very brief, but it is never without of any value. For if our lives were to be valueless, God would not have created us in His own image.