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Uncertainty of life

Published:Oct 12, 2018

If there is anything certain in life, then certainly it is the uncertainty of the life. Nothing in life is certain except certain death. We plan for the future and keep many expectations of life, but there is no certainty of what life has in store for us in the future. We plan, work and expect life to  turn out the way we want it to, but there is no certainty and guarantee that life will mould itself to fit to our desired plan. In childhood a person’s  life may seem to be bright and lustrous, but marching to the future the person finds himself devoid of all the shine and lustre wondering only why life turned out to be so bad. So nobody knows for sure what life has in store for him/her. This uncertainty is what causes worries in life, but this uncertainty is what makes life adventurous and worth living. If life was something where it would turn out to be the way we wanted it to, then it would have been easy and fun for us, but it would have not fulfilled its purpose. There are certain positive attributes and traits that every person should try to develop and life in all its uncertainties gives us that opportunity to do so. So life should be lived like an adventure amidst all its uncertainties and challenges. Want not anything specific from life, but work so that your objectives and needs may be fulfilled. See if life rewards you with your desired result. If it doesn’t, then just move on in this grand adventure called life developing and sharpening your positive qualities.