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Trust His Judgement

Published:Jan 17, 2019

Why do you attach your mind to bad events that may happen in life? Can you control the events? No. Can you prevent events that are inexorable? No. Then what’s the point of worrying and thinking about events that may occur in your life? Do what’s in your hand and do it to the best you can. Discard the mindset and mentality of worrying what to come and what to happen. Trust  the Lord, for He is in charge, not you. He has the complete picture and control, not you. Don’t dwell in worries, instead delight in the Lord’s glories. Do what you know as right and play your part in the universe nicely. Leave everything else to the Lord. The Lord who is just will see that you get what you deserve. Trust His judgement and welcome any result, event our outcome that may come to pass in your life. Trusting in the Lord who you know as just is the way for a worry free living, others are simply frivolous exercise of the mind.