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The trap of desiring the unreal

Published:Mar 30, 2019

If you fall in the trap of desiring what is unreal or desiring what can not be fulfilled, then you are bound to meet disappointment and distress. No doubts in that. Take utmost care before you fall into such traps. Discriminate deliberately what is real and what is unreal, what desire is achievable and what is merely a day dream. Because once you have fallen into the trap of desiring what is unreal it is really hard to get out of it compared to the hardness involved in preventing yourself getting into the trap in the first place.

Do not deceive yourself

So be wise, take decisions wisely. You do not have an unlimited stock of resources, time and energy. Be sure to spend them wisely. Do not be a fool to chase or desire that cannot be fulfilled. Consider your situation, circumstances, character and personality and judge if you really can have what you are desiring for in a just way. Do not be cruel to yourself, do not deceive yourself. You are your most valuable gift, do not waste it away so easily. Do not bring yourself to pity, instead be kind to yourself. You will thank yourself and feel happy for preventing yourself from getting swayed away by desires and objectives that simply cannot be fulfilled or gets fulfilled at too much of a cost not worthy of it.

Enter the narrow gate

Be sane, maintain sanity. The world offers plethora of wide open gates through which you can enter easily, but having entered once you are trapped for life. So my dear, chose the narrow gate instead that although is difficult at first to enter, leads you to happiness and peace. Do not be your worst enemy, be friend to yourself and lead yourself to goodness and peace. Only then you will be happy and content. For ultimate peace is achieved not in obtaining the objects of desires, but in the renouncing of it.