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The nectar of serenity

Published:Jan 8, 2019

The nectar of serenity is not experienced through a fickle mind that is in constant pursuit of pleasurable experiences from the world. Taking the senses as its companions and medium, from one stimulus to another it constantly runs after like any monkey jumping from branch to branch. Peace and serenity is never the output of such fluctuations of the mind but of the cessation of it. The more the longings and the more the desires, the more restless the mind becomes. And how can a restless mind experience the subtle state of serenity? It cannot. So like the turtle pulls in its limbs to its shell, the mind has to be pulled in from the various senses and disconnecting it from the outer stimuli and experiences it needs to take a dive into the still sea of serenity that lies within without any waves. A deep dive into the sea of serenity is what will refresh the mind, not the indulgence in the senses and their objects. Longing will never end for the objects of the senses are uncountable.  Saturation through enjoyment is the concept of the fools and the trickery of the mind. The state of longing remains the very same even after its satisfaction thousands of times. Peace can never be found by following the untamed mind, but by making it follow wisdom and reason. Therefore reason with your mind and direct it towards tasting the nectar of serenity not the poison of worldly desires.