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The Lord is your guard against temptation

Published:Nov 25, 2018

Life is and will be troublesome and will always be filled with trials and temptations whether we follow God or not. But there is certain of hope and comfort that follows by following God unlike any other. Given that a life which is lived with principles and commandments given by God is challenging at times given the constant bombardment of temptations of various forms in today’s modern world, there is no temptation that can not be withstood with the help of the God almighty. For it is truly said by the Lord that ”High are the temptations, but remember that I am the highest. What can temptations do to you when I am standing as your guard?”. We just need to have the desire to stay true to the Lord’s words and rely only on Him instead of our own will power. The Lord is our saviour both from this imperfect world and the strong temptations we experience here. If anything materialism has done to us then it’s simply this: it has increased our appetite for material consumption that cannot be fulfilled by any human endeavour and it keeps on increasing from time to time and day to day. In these circumstances the chances of the mind getting entangled in the materialistic mode of the world is very high. But the Lord is always there as a personal guide to anyone whoever seeks His wise counsel and help in staying holy and good. The Lord never leaves your side when you are standing against the world and the myriad temptations of it for His name’s sake. Knowing this let not get overcome by the trials and temptations of the world, but rise above it for it is the Lord who is the highest, not the world that He has created.