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The greatest of all delusions

Published:Nov 11, 2018

Of many the delusions that we may have in our lives, the greatest is the one which says we have control over our lives. No matter how it may seem or feel, control is not something that we actually have on our lives. We may have the capacity and the ability to control life to the extent that we have the ability to make choices in life, but that never gives us the total control over life. We may think something will workout for us and thinking so we may make some choices, but at the end we may find that things didn’t quite actually go the way we had thought it would go. We also make many plans, preparations, etc. for life in anticipation and expectation of may things, but things don’t always turn out well to meet our expectations. And this is something not very uncommon, this happens for most of us from time to time. So control is not something that we have on our lives, we may have the delusion of control, but not the control itself. We do our best to the best of our knowledge and that’s it. That’s the extent of control that we have on life, to do everything to the best of our knowledge, ability, nature and situation and leave everything else to the Lord who is actually in control of lives of yours, mine and as well as other’s.