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The Grand Jigsaw Puzzle

Published:Jan 10, 2019

The world is a grand jigsaw puzzle. So like any jigsaw puzzle, for it to be fully complete and have the perfect picture and meaning, all its pieces must be in the right place in the right way. So doesn’t matter how tiny, small or large a piece of the puzzle is and doesn’t matter how it is shaped, the piece matters anyway for the puzzle to be meaningful and complete.  If we take out even the tiniest of the piece having the worst possible part of the picture printed on it, the puzzle won’t be complete. The small part of the puzzle may neither look good or make sense when seen individually, but when placed in the puzzle at the right place where it belongs it gives perfect meaning and make perfect sense. So is the case for our lives in this grand jigsaw puzzle of the universe. Our lives, experiences and circumstances are the pieces of these grand puzzle. We may think and feel ourselves to be negligible, we may even despise the way our lives are, but it certainly has meaning and value when seen from the perspective of the grand design of the puzzle. All our experiences, the way we are, the way our circumstances are, all fit together to complete the grand puzzle and structure of the universe. The diversities of our lives is by design and we are simply not meant to have similar life experiences, but we all are meant to be valuable part of the universe without any of which the equation of the universe will fail. So understanding this we neither should think ourselves to be valueless nor should we give in to comparing our lives with others. For life itself is made to be unique and different. Everyone comes and goes from the world with his or her share of pain and pleasure, suffering and happiness.