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The bliss of submission

Published:Nov 3, 2018

The bliss that the submission of the heart and mind to the Lord brings is unlike any other. It is like melting of the heart where all impurities and inflictions there within get washed away. And all that remains is the sublime nectar of devotion and love for the Lord. A state so inexpressible in words that it is neither the subject of speech nor the subject of writing, but only the subject of experiencing. But yet express we must, although in figurative ways, so that the word for it may remain for others to inspire. A heart made for love when experiences the very love it was made for, gets overflown by it knowing no bound of right and wrong. A love so profound that none other than the Lord Himself can be the direct subject of it. At this ultimatum of love who are we to judge what is right and wrong between the lover and its beloved! How unfortunate is it not that we have made ourselves so busy for petty things of the world that we are depriving ourselves from experiencing the love untold. How then can we without experiencing this love experience the heart’s complete fulfilment. How then can we then say that the life’s purpose has been fulfilled? We cannot and we must not also. Until this love for the Lord is experienced and then also for everyone other, strive we must. For to live is to love and to love is to fulfil His commandment.