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Taking responsibility

Published:Jan 14, 2019

Life would have been easy if it was possible to live without any responsibilities. But God has not created this world so that we can live without work and responsibilities. When God had to work for the creation to manifest and when He has the responsibility of the whole creation, how can we be free from it? With creation God distributed the roles and responsibilities to various spiritual beings and to man as well. As per Vedic system the creator put the responsibility of performing yajna upon man so that they can grow with prosperity and as per Bible God put the responsibility of tending and taking care of earth on man to be fruitful and multiply. Either way some responsibility was given to man to carryout during his stay on earth. So when taking responsibility and doing work is what has been ordained by the creator God, we need to ask ourselves the question of how well are we handling our own job and responsibilities. Are we turning away from the responsibilities that has fallen on our shoulder or are we carrying it out to the best of our abilities? Are we taking care of those who depend upon us and are we taking care of the mother earth in some way who has so graciously sustained us? No matter how it may seem us or what we may feel and want, life comes with certain responsibilities that everyone should carry out. As humans and part of society we have responsibilities to each other, to our parents, family members, job and above all to God Himself. The question that we need to ask ourselves everyday is how well are we carrying out those responsibilities.