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Striving for simplicity

Published:Jan 4, 2019

Life was always meant to be simple unlike what our modern day life has become. Materialism has become the common trend and the quality of life of a person is judged by how much things one owns. If one has more objects, gadgets, money, etc. then it is supposed that he or she is having a good life. Even without caring for the judgement being cast by other people, the availability of too many things and choices combined with the omnipresence of media elements compels us to give in to materialism. Our way of thinking has become similar to what has been said in Gita, “This much I have obtained today, obtaining that my wish will be fulfilled” and so on.  So it is very easy in life to surround oneself with unnecessary objects and things if one is not cautious. The more we surround ourselves with unnecessary things without which we can simply live about, the more we are adding complexity to life in terms of having to worry and think about their maintenance and protection. The more we have, the more we may tend to acquire and the more we may worry about the security of our possessions. This cycle of accumulation should be broken in order to keep our lives simple and frugal. The more simple a life is, the more peaceful it can become. If we think sincerely then we will find that life’s necessities are not that many, but our uncontrolled desires, modern way of living and lack of deliberation makes our lives unnecessarily complex. Why should we make the worst of the best thing that has been so graciously given to us by God? Strive therefore to keep life as simple as possible bereaving yourself of objects and things that you simply don’t need.