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Staying aloof

Published:Jan 11, 2019

When we visit another state or country for short time do we mistake that to be our home? No, we don’t. We don’t also bother or worry much about the matters of the country, its people and the experiences we get there as we know we are but for a short time there. Any good experiences and feelings we get there, we also don’t get attached to them knowing that it’s not going to last. We just take the experiences as a memory and staying aloof we  focus on the work we had visited the country for since our stay there is for a brief amount of time. If we act so wisely and perceive the briefness of our stay when visiting a foreign land, why don’t we see the briefness of our stay here on earth? What is mere hundred years compared to billions? Is it not brief enough? So why do we get attached so much to the feelings and experiences we get here on earth and why do we get bothered by its problems so much? Why don’t we stay aloof? Are we going to be here forever? Of course not. If not, then certainly this is not our home, it’s just like a tour to any foreign land. And just like any tour we are subject to both good and bad experience here, but treating them just as  mere memories we are to stay aloof and stay focused on our work.