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Rise up after every fall

Published:Oct 29, 2018

For most of us, or may be for all of us, life requires improvement. If we analyse and think about our lives then we will find that we are lacking in some department or we have certain weaknesses that needs to be improved. But this process of improvement can be daunting at times. We may find that we are reverting back to old habits or the negative emotions that we are trying to overcome. Or even sometimes, the situations and circumstances get worse and just can’t keep up to it and lose our patience and control over our attitude and behaviour. This can be disheartening. We may get discouraged by how poorly we are able to handle situations and our own selves when we get tried by difficult situations. This may lead to dismay and we may find ourselves sobbing sometimes over the failed state of affairs of our lives and about how broken it is. But here it is what I have to say regarding this. Doesn’t matter how bad or worse your life is, ask yourself this simple question. Has my life improved even 0.1% by following the faith and have I become better than I was previously even if very little? The answer will be a yes. And I want to say that despite all your failures and broken state of affairs, focus on that 0.1% that you have improved and be delighted for the fact that you have changed and you have improved. Focusing on the fact that you have changed just try to increase that percentage. So if out of 5 difficult situations that tested your patience you were able to deal calmly in 1 situation and failed in 4, take delight for the 1 situation where you did right and try to improve it to 2 instead of getting discouraged by the 4. For us, the believers and walkers on the faith, everyday is a new begging where we put aside the failures of yesterday and start afresh every morning to walk better on the path of righteousness and love. The world is already filled with so many loveless people, so even if we stumble while walking on the path of faith and love, we cannot allow ourselves to be loveless. We may not get love from the world, but we must have to always remain as a source of love to others and even if at times we fail to do so, we have to rise up and continue to be the source again. That’s how our lives ought to be as followers of Jesus Christ; improving everyday and loving others everyday in spite of our own shortcomings.