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Progress must go on

Published:Jan 15, 2019

When you have suffered setbacks in life then it is but obvious that those setbacks will haunt you from time to time as you progress through life. If anything setbacks are good at then it is at pulling you back again and again to hinder your progress. So it is quite possible to feel demotivated and lowly during certain times of life when you have experienced past failures and setbacks. Mood swings will be but common in such cases. So although it is perfectly fine to feel low at certain times, it is not fine to take the thoughts and feelings produced during those times to be true and get demotivated. It is very important in life to adhere and stick to the path that you know to be right and beneficial for you. Doesn’t matter if you feel low or get demotivated during certain times in life, you have to bounce back to your original way and follow the principles you know to be right. Progress must go on unaffected by the multitude of times that you may get hindered by setbacks and thoughts of past failures. For it is not falling that matters, it is the rising up after every time you fall that matters and rising up every time you fall is what builds your strength and character.