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Priority of actions

Published:Oct 29, 2018

There are things in life that matter more than other things in life. For example, family matters more than personal fun. So priority to actions that help support the family and relationships should be given rather than to actions and activities for personal fun and enjoyment. There are things in life without even the existence of which a good and fulfilling life can be lived (like material goods, gadgets, plenty of money etc.), but there are things which add value and meaning to life like family, relationships, etc. without which life will not be fulfilling. So to those second group of things more time, thoughts and effort to be given rather than the first group of things without which life can be well lived anyway. But if we reverse the priority then the quality and experience of life will be compromised. So one shouldn’t lament over the absence of the first group of things in life, but should feel content and happy about the presence of the second group of things that give fulfilment in life.