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Play by His rules

Published:Jan 5, 2019

What is this whole creation if not a game set by the Lord! He rewards the winners, chastises the losers. Who are the winners? Those who do good deeds and find favour in the eyes of the Lord. Who are the losers? Those who are the sinners, law violators and evil doers. For the sake of the good He has created heaven as the resting place once they are done with the game here. For the sake of the bad He has prepared hell for retribution. This is all a game set by the Lord for which the laws and rules He has already laid out from time to time. So while we are in it, we must play by His rules. Doesn’t matter what we like or not, what we would want to change here or not, it is only His rules that matter. In order to come out victorious in this game set by the Lord, we have to adhere to the rules he has defined and play by it as well. Not only that brings us favour in the eyes of the Lord, but also ensures that we played our part well and fulfilled the purpose we were made for. He is the grand master and we must follow His rules, not the whims and whines of our hearts.