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On bad people in the world

Published:Jan 10, 2019

Let’s not question or try to answer why there are bad people in the world who inflict suffering upon others, for God has His just reasons for designing the world the way it is and His reasons are better than any of ours. But by common sense we can make sense of it. See, when you try to grow plants, do you intend to grow bad plants as well? No, you don’t. But since not every seed gets the same input in terms of light, water, moisture, etc., some plants grow bad. In that case we only do what is in our power to do, that is, we weed out the bad plants and throw them away or burn them keeping only the good ones for use. Similarly, God gave just the required and right input for life to evolve and flourish, but as with farming, not every person gets all the good input in terms of love, affection, insight, wisdom, etc. and some grow rebellious and bad. For that case God has done what is doable, through saints and scriptures He has offered everyone a choice and as per the choice and deeds of the person He makes sure that justice is carried out. I think if we all followed what God truly wants us to follow, the world would be a much better place with less suffering in it than it actually has. Can we agree on that?