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Live as if nothing has happened

Published:Oct 22, 2018

The best way to live life is like nothing has happened in life. In the yesterday’s reflection I wrote about how life is a journey mixed with both good and bad events. Some people experience more of the good events in life while some people experience more of the bad. And depending upon the events impressions of different kinds get settled in the mind and we think different kinds of emotions. Those emotions affect the way we think, feel and react. And the sum total of life’s all happiness and distress are produced and shaped by the emotions, thoughts and feelings arising through different emotions. So since the overall experience of life gets affected by emotions and feelings arising from different emotions, it is better not to let the mind get affected by those events. So live life like nothing has happened. Forget and free your mind of unease experiences. This will help to keep the mind clean and clear and you will be able to practice virtue and goodness without getting obstructed by negative emotions. For example, in life you may see people getting ahead in life in social status, wealth, power, etc. while you may be stuck in your same uneventful life. Events like those may give rise to different kinds of emotions, but you can simply ignore them like nothing has happened and keep focus on living your life well to the best of your abilities. So for both good and bad events you practice to ignore the events and outcomes so that no impression will get settled in your mind. Stick to your virtues and goodness with faith in the Lord that He will take care of you and live your life keeping the mind clear and clean.