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Life is not all about achievements

Published:Jan 19, 2019

Everybody wants to achieve certain things in life. What one wants to achieve may vary from person to person, but achieving certain things remains core to everyone’s life and objectives. This want for achievement may be out of dire needs or may be simply out of luxury, but nevertheless this want impacts the life and the choices people make. More often what happens is that this desire for achievement takes so deep root in people’s lives that they simply forget that life is simply not all about achievements. Life is something  more and different. It’s not the achievements that give meaning or fulfilment to life, but its the core values of life like love, affection, friendship, etc. that provide fulfilment and meaning. Basic needs like food, shelter, etc. we must have to achieve, but once our basic needs have been fulfilled, we should always stay cautious to be not caught by the desire of achieving worldly things and not get caught in the vain pursuit of name, fame, etc. When worldly things are just the by product of your good and skilful work then its fine, but they should never become a priority or goal in life. Instead of trying to pursue objects and things of different kinds and trying to get name, power, fame, etc. for the sake of the pleasure of the heart and the subtle ego, effort and attention should be directed towards living a fulfilled life with contentment, love and  cooperation. For life’s needs are not many, but to a discontent heart no achievement will suffice.