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Life is like a continuous flow

Published:Oct 13, 2018

Life is like a continuous flow of water stream, where time builds and shatters countless dreams.  A continuous flow, I would say dear brothers and sisters, a continuous flow. Yes, that’s what life is. In this continuous flow we want life to pass through certain paths, but it does not. We want it not to pass through certain paths, but it does. To what avail is so much toil and turmoil when at the end of the day life is not under our control! Like a straw passing through the stream moving from place to place hitting against rocks and pebbles, we are passing through the stream of life moving from here to there getting hit by problems every now and then. So this is how I would define life if I must, that life is a series of problems with periods of rest in between. And those periods of rest are systematically made available not because life here is meant to be good and easy, but so that the person will not break altogether and getting some reset he will be ready to face problems further. Alas the dream of an easy and comfort filled life has been shattered by life’s ultimate true nature. So rise my dear brothers and sisters to face life for what it is. Throwaway any expectation of an easy and problem less life, but filling your heart with courage and conviction get prepared to face life the way it is, be it harsh or bitter. For at the end it is not what life gives us that matters, but how well we lived life upholding and practising virtues that does.