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Life is His glory

Published:Jan 6, 2019

Life is like a spark of fire that comes into existence for a brief moment of time before vanishing into seemingly nothingness. But even though brief and temporary, it comes with so much wonder and possibilities that every tiny moment of life is worth celebrating. Just see how magnificent it is to be alive to be able to experience the wonders of the Lord’s creation.  No doubt there are problems and sufferings in life, most of which are simply due to our non-observance of the laws and rules laid down by the Lord, but even then also the joy of life itself is worth the pain and problem that we may face here on earth. Life is an expression of God’s glory and by living it well in cooperation with others not only we glorify God, but also we make our brief stay here filled with joy, happiness and wonder. Contrary to what the popular belief has become about life here on earth, God never meant life to be filled with trial and suffering, but to be filled with joy, wonder and admiration to His glory. When we realise that truth and realise our relationship with God we will see life differently and take life not as a punishment or a race to complete, but an wonderful gift in itself to be happily lived. We will live out our brief life here on earth in accordance with the Lord’s desire and then depart glorifying the Lord and thanking Him for the opportunity He gave us to enjoy the wonders of life, both with its pain and pleasures. Life is His glory and it should be lived for His glorification.