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I am self-sufficient in God

Published:Oct 18, 2018

No life is perfect. Perfect lives are only an exception to the general structure and pattern of this world. We live an imperfect world and our lives too are imperfect. Wants and desires of various kinds take root in our hearts since our days of infancy and as we grow into adulthood we find that not all of our heart’s desire have been fulfilled. While some of what we have wanted has been achieved, some other desires have not been fulfilled leaving a hole in the heart. It is good when desires of evil nature don’t get fulfilled doesn’t matter how deeply rooted they may be in our hearts, but it is some genuine desires like want of love and affection that cause our heart to give into pain when they don’t get fulfilled. But that’s how the world is. Life would be perfect if we always got whatever good things we may have wanted. But since life here on earth is not perfect we have to live with broken hearts and wishes. However, God’s perfect love in our imperfect world is what can give us solace and comfort that we have always been longing for. Doesn’t matter whatever we may be feeling like lacking in our hearts, God’s love will transform our hearts to fill it with the peace it needs to efface the pain and suffering. After all, even if we fail to get human love and affection it is not a loss if we gain the love and affection of God. His love and affection will fill in the holes in our hearts. It is the heart that feels loss and suffering and experiences the want of love. And God transforms the heart in such a way that despite all our losses and lacking  we can move on. So I may not have anybody with me, I may not have anyone’s love and affection, but I have the Lord, our heavenly father, to console and comfort me and I am self-sufficient in God.