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How amazing the concept of life is

Published:Nov 4, 2018

Is not it great to be alive? I mean look at the experience called life! How miraculous it is. What a privilege it is to be alive and that too as a human being! This miracle of life is so profound yet so much overlooked and taken for granted. But if you think for sometime, don’t you think we owe at least a thank you to whoever created life and gave us the privilege of being alive to experience all the good things that life has to offer? Think for a moment the goodness of life keeping aside the pain and suffering. Think about the sweetness of relationships, friendship, joy and happiness. How great it is that we are given a chance to experience this in this vast cosmos of ultimate nothingness. How marvellous is the creator who breathed life into the star dust so that we may experience the miracle of life itself. Take time to think about this for a moment. How amazing the concept of life is itself, how amazing is the concept of life!