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Happy New Year 2019

Published:Jan 1, 2019

With every new year the aura of newness floats around the air. A sense of new beginning fills inside the heart. Hope renews with possibilities new. A desire to shed off the past and its myriads of mistakes and trials silently slips into the heart and suddenly resolution for a new beginning takes its firm hold. Taking this aura of new beginning as an opportunity I am renewing my daily reflections series that saw frequent discontinuities in the past couple of months. How easy it is to get swayed away by daily life and all the trouble and turmoils that it dearly holds in for us! Even after solid resolution and seemingly unshakable determination until and unless an idea becomes equal in importance to the air that we breath in which is vital for survival, nothing can stand unbreakable before the brutal force of daily life errands and time to time rising and falling of desires. But we have to be true to our principles and values nevertheless. Long ago I had made this commitment to the Lord that I will write about Him and life in general on a daily basis. As far as my thoughts go and as far as my mind is able to conceive, this is something that is my primary duty here on earth. But I have stayed far from it as far as possible. Nevertheless, 2019 was the year that was in my mind when I had though to commit to my duty fully and whole hardheartedly. Since the time has now come to pass I am doing what I should have been. My day to day life challenges and insecurities were the reason for which I was not able to commit to this purpose. But as a discourse would go, Lord asked what is my important work of all? The answer was obvious and so was the question to follow: “So why are you not doing it? Why are you putting other things first casting aside what is your primary duty?“. My answers were nothing more than excuses. All most always, if not all the time, I am true to my values and principles. Having faced that question there was no way to turn away from my duty any more. I had set my mind on the very date of 1st January 2019 from when I will start to live true to my personality not hiding from the world that I am a sheep of the Lord and He is my good Shepherd. I will not hide from the world that my voice is for proclaiming His glories and preaching His gospels. So able or not, qualified or not, here I am starting to live out my calling and writing about Him for His name’s sake. For everything has been made by Him and everything finds its purpose in Him. Without Him, there is nothing and whatever exists is nothing but an expression of His glory. May the Lord of hosts, our dear Father in heaven, bless us with goodness and mercy this new year and for all the years to come. May we be the good children of God for His name’s sake.