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God should be the source of security, not money

Published:Nov 13, 2018

What is your source of security? This is the question I often ask myself when I find myself worrying and thinking about money. For most of us or in fact may be for all of us money is something that we think as the source of our security. We generally think like “if I have enough money to cover the expenses and live hood of my family then I am secure”. There is nothing wrong in thinking that as money is certainly essential for meeting the needs of day to day life, but one fundamental mistake we make in thinking this way is that we put money as the source of security instead of God. The problem with this is that, if we put money as the source of security instead of God then we will often find ourselves thinking and worrying about money most of the time; how to earn more of it, how to save more of it, etc. and deviate from living a balanced a life focused on fulfilling life’s true purpose. It will not be a matter of surprise if we find ourselves even thinking of inappropriate ways to earn to money by cheating on work, cheating the employer or exploiting someone else. The scripture (Gita 16.12-13) rightly puts it when it says ”Bound by hundreds of desires, driven by anger and lust, people gather money in unjust ways to enjoy pleasures here on earth. They think this I have obtained today, this I will now obtain to fulfil my desire. This much money I already have and this much again it will become”. And all this happens when we put money as the source of our security in our mind instead of God. We forget that lasting and just prosperity comes through God’s blessings, not alone through man’s efforts. For to be righteous in the eyes of the Lord is more important than to be sound and secure on the face of the earth.