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God is like a potter

Published:Jan 18, 2019

God is a master planner. He plans everything, creates everything. He has plans for the world, nations, states and most importantly He has plans for you and me. He has plans for everyone and everything. Why He does this, whether for the sake of His won pleasure or for the sake of our benefit is a completely separate question and we may or may not know the reasons of His actions other than what He Himself reveals. But the important thing is that He has plans for us. He has planned good things for those who do good and has planned retribution for those who do evil. However, God is like a potter who builds pots out of clay. When building pots if any defect is found then the potter turns the pot back into clay again so that he can start afresh. So even though the pot was taking good shape and coming out nicely, if it turns bad at any moment the potter has to discard the pot and reduce it back to the clay. In a similar manner, even though God has planned and promised blessings for those who do good, He can relent from those blessings if they start to disobey the words of the God and go against His will. On the other hand, if God has spoken against those who do evil but they change their ways and follow the word of God, then they will find favour in the eyes of the Lord. So our lives and ways are subject to God’s planning and as well as the good or bad choices we make. The Lord may, at any moment, show favour to us, but taking that for granted we should not deviate from His path and words rather stay faithful to them. For the Lord may at any moment chastise us too as He Himself has explained in Jeremiah 18 of the Bible.