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Future consequence of action

Published:Jan 20, 2019

Actions can be planned or impulsive. On day to day life, most of our actions are impulsive while some job or work related actions may be planned. And most of our impulsive actions are done to fulfil certain desires or requirement of the present moment. For example, if you are feeling thirsty you may impulsively go to drink water, if you are feeling bored then you may impulsively go out for a walk or go watch a movie. While most of our impulsive actions may not be having much higher impact on our lives, certain actions done impulsively influenced by negative emotions (or sometimes positive emotions as well) may cause bad effects. For example, actions done impulsively out of anger, envy, lust, etc. even though may feel right at the moment, will give rise to unwanted consequences in the future. So in life a simple rule of thumb should be followed in regards to performing actions. That is, for every action to be performed, not just the gains and effects of the action in the present moment, but also the impact and consequences that the action will produce in the future should be taken into account. And accordingly the decision to whether perform that action or not should be taken.