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Foundation for life

Published:Feb 20, 2019

A house built on wrong foundations or weak foundations will not be able to stand strong for long. Even a weak storm can bring it down for its foundation is weak. Similarly the life which foundation is wrong or weak will not be able to stand strong when little storms in life in the form of problems are encountered. But the life which is based on a strong foundation will be able to stand through the toughness of life in forms of problems and difficulties. So what is that strong foundation on which life should be based? What is the foundation on which if life is build upon it will not collapse but will stand tall? Certainly such a foundation itself must be strong, still and undeviating from time to time. If the foundation itself is not strong as the rock, anything built upon it will not last. So in this world, only the words of God are such an undeviating constant and truth which can be used as the foundation to build life upon it. Any other thing, may it be the principles of men, wisdom of the wise or laws of the nature, nothing can be as strong as the words of God which are not only guiding light for this life, but hope for the life to come. When life and all the actions and thoughts that go in it are directed by the words of God and inspired by it, we can say that such a life is founded on the words of God and its foundation is strong. Such a life will be able to face the problems of life and all its trials in different forms without giving into hopelessness and without ever running out of patience. The words of God should be the foundation for life, anything else will simply not suffice.