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Everyday can not be a win

Published:Oct 29, 2018

Everyday comes with a list of tasks we need to do and everyday has its own challenges. As we go through the day we try to accomplish the tasks and see that they get completed properly as required. But not everyday we can find our tasks and adventures to be fruitful. You may have to go to some office to get something done, but that may get delayed due to some officer not being available. You may need something in your house but don’t get it after searching the market for a while. So as we live through everyday we have to accept the facts that the outcomes may not be always what we wanted them to be. So while some days will go fine, some days might not go so well. While some days we might be able to manage times effectively, some days we will not be able to do so. So we have to remember that while we go through our lives, everyday can not be a win some days will be losses as well.