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Do not be worried of other's judgements

Published:Nov 1, 2018

As we go through our daily lives everyday we expose ourselves through our work, personality and behaviours to be judged by others. And we often feel worried or tensed about what other people might think about us as we may want to leave a positive and good impression upon everyone else about ourselves. How we are being perceived by others certainly may affect our social status, value and worthiness, but this can also be at times become the source of tension and anxiety for us when we fear certain things we did or said may allow others to think negative of us or judge us wrongly.  In times of such, when we know that we were righteous in the heart and we had good intentions, but were not able to present ourselves in the best way possible, we have to remember that it doesn’t matter what others think of us, what matters is what God thinks of us. Others may judge us wrongly or think of us lowly without being able to read the intention of the heart, but the Lord looks at the heart and judges accordingly. So we should never be worried about what others think of us here on earth which is just a temporary abode for us to reside. Rather we should take care about what God, our heavenly Father, might think of us who rewards the eternal life. Other’s judgement is worthless, it is the judgement of the Lord which we should really care about. Remembering this we should live not for the purpose of pleasing others or ourselves, but to please the Lord so that we can live for His glory, for His name’s sake.