We often hear and say that life is a journey. But since every journey generally has a destination, what is the destination of this journey called life? Nobody has seen what lies at the other end of death. So in that case is death is the ultimate destination where life is headed? Is death the end of life? Superficially it appears so, but reason and common sense would suggest otherwise. If we go to analyse we have to define what is life itself. Does life mean the mere body itself so that once the body dies we define life has ended or there exists something above the realm of sensory perception that gives movement to the body? Opinions will differ and so also schools of thought regarding this. But reason says there cannot be only a mortal aspect to the body for matter can only produce matter no matter what, it can never produce life. Life in the form of energy can never be created, it must exist eternally in some form that only in the course of time it can associate and dissociate with matter bringing forth life and movement into it. So when something exists eternally that it cannot be created, where from comes then the question of its destruction? So life continues in one form or the other even after the mortal body dies. Death is not the end of the journey, but a mere gateway.
Death is not the end
Published:Jan 7, 2019