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Dealing with harsh words

Published:Jan 21, 2019

Words have power associated with them. But it mostly depends upon how and with what intent the words have been said. While words of warmth and politeness bring delight to the heart, it is the harsh words that we need to deal with well for they have the power to break and devastate the heart. In our day to day life we are constantly communicating with people both close and distant on a variety of topics and matters and on the process we subject ourselves to the words of different people. And what happens sometimes is that we have to hear harsh words from people caused by different reasons like disagreement, argument, misunderstanding, mistakes made, etc. Whatever may be the reason, harsh words penetrate our hearts and cause us to feel dejected and demotivated. So instead of getting affected by harsh words directly, we need to deal with them through intellect. First we have to understand that those are just words, plain words and unless you in your mind give value to them, they won’t be able to harm or alter your state of mind. It is not that the opinions or words of others that hurt you, it is your own opinion and words that you say to yourself and that you think yourself that actually hurt you. And the good thing about that is, what you say to yourself is perfectly under your own control. Instead of being impulsive to harsh words, first we need to analyse them in mind and think of our reply and any actions required. If we don’t do that, we may get angry and say harsh words in return or do mean things which will ultimately intensify the whole situation. So not giving power to the harsh words, and simply receiving anything to be taken as  note from those spoken words, you can maintain your serenity and state of mental peace.