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Crossing the ocean of temporary life

Published:Oct 17, 2018

The world is like a ocean; vast and deep. But we have to cross this ocean in order to reach to an island sound and safe. And how can the ocean be crossed if we don’t have at least a boat? It cannot be. So to cross this ocean we lack a strong boat riding on which we may reach the safe island. But the Lord, our God, has not left us in the ocean helpless. Sure there are many dangers in form of sharks and storms in the ocean, but in the form of a saviour the Lord has given us a boat so strong and mighty that we have now hope of reaching to the promised island. In the ocean of life there will always be sharks and storms in the form of problems. But if we are to cross the ocean to reach our home in the island we have to take help of the boat, the saviour in form of Jesus Christ. His words show us the direction, His words bring us comfort and peace. Without Him there would not be any hope, without Him there would not be any saving. Amidst all the chaos and chores of an imperfect life He is the guiding light leading us to His perfect kingdom. Life would have been lost into the abyss of hopelessness for the righteous and the meek, if it was not for the Saviour who brought us comfort and peace. So we are grateful to the Lord for He has not left us alone to drown in the ocean of Life, but has given us a boat in the form of Jesus Christ so that we may cross the ocean of temporary life here and go back to avail eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.