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Change through a transformed heart

Published:Oct 19, 2018

Everyone desires their lives to be in a certain way depending upon what they like and don’t like. But as life unfolds over the years most of us find our lives not to be the way we may have wanted it to. We find our lives filled with people, things and circumstances that we do not like. It may be an unsatisfying job, unsatisfying relationships, unfulfilled dreams, loneliness, etc. But that’s the way life is here on earth for the most of us. It is a general pattern. Completely fulfilled and satisfying lives are rare and exceptional. And even most of the times some lives that seem as complete and fulfilling from the outside are broken in some way in the inside. But our superficial faulty perception of other people’s lives, especially of the rare and exceptional ones, gives rise to disappointment, discontent, jealousy, etc. and the quality of our own lives deteriorates owing to the negative emotions we develop in our hearts. Even if we deserved better lives, the way the world works, it can not be guaranteed that all of us will get to live a life fulfilling to our hearts. But there is the good news. It is quite possible and in our hands to make the heart fill with joy and hope even amidst our broken lives. And when the heart is filled with joy, a seemingly unfulfilling life can be transformed to make the most out of it. With a joy filled heart you don’t remain in want of love and affection, instead you become a source of love and affection. So neither hope for an alternate live, nor lament over a life you didn’t get to live; rather embrace your current life the way it is and fill the heart with joy and hope through the grace of the Lord. And you will soon find that your life has been transformed through the transformation of your heart. And you will find that you are living a life full of joy and hope without getting bothered by the shortcomings of your life. That’s the power of the Lord through Jesus Christ.