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Cease the opportunity

Published:Jan 16, 2019

In the soul’s journey through the existence one life will come which will have only the bare minimum to sustain and maintain a healthy family life without having much of the worldly possessions and pleasures. Such a life being very favourable for spiritual growth one should cease the opportunity and become a spiritual dynamo. Instead of wasting out life in lamentations of unfulfilled worldly desires one should focus all its attention on spiritual growth. Life itself is very rare; look at the cosmos, what are few billions of lives here on earth compared to quadrillions of lifeless objects in the universe? Then again life as a human being is rarer and more rare than it is a human life that provides just the right kind of environment for spiritual growth. So what a fool one would not be to waste out such precious human life in lamentations of the temporary instead of endeavouring for the permanent! Of what value are the fleeting experiences that the heart longs for? Are they permanent? Of course not. Having once satisfied will the heart desire no more? Of course not. So then till how long you will be subjecting yourself to this never ending circle? Cease the opportunity, take the chance and break the circle at least once. You will taste freedom and you will taste peace.