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Accept outcomes of your nature

Published:Oct 25, 2018

A large percentage of how you will experience life and how life in overall will turn out for you depends upon your inherent personality and nature. For example, if you are by nature an extrovert then you are likely to have more friends and acquaintances than someone who is an introvert who are generally reserved and shy by nature when it comes to mixing with other persons. So while an extrovert can have the experience of multitude of friends in life, an introvert will not. Similarly while an introvert can have the experience of deep thinking and serenity of solitude, an extrovert may not. So depending upon one’s inherent nature his/her interaction with the world, expectations and experiences will differ. So given that every person follows the similar set of rules and instructions to live life, not everyone’s experiences will be the same. And that’s how God has created the world as well. Diversity is the general pattern here so that there is uniqueness to lives giving rise to differing natures and thus differing life experiences. So understanding ones own nature, one should be content and happy with whatever life experiences one  can have in accordance with his/her nature and skills, instead of desiring experiences suiting to natures of different kinds that he/she doesn’t simply have. Every life experience is meant to be unique irrespective of its quality, be it pleasant and good or unpleasant and bad. So honour the uniqueness of life and live your life accepting what you are being true to your personality.