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Nothing to gain, nothing to lose

Published:Nov 24, 2015

In this temporary world,
what thing is forever mine,
everything I got here,
everything here I will leave.
I have nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose

In this temporary world,
who is forever mine,
everyone I met here,
everyone here I will leave.
I have nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose

In this temporary world,
what position is forever mine,
positions I got here,
positions here I will leave,
I have nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose.

In this temporary world,
what wealth is forever mine,
riches I earned here,
riches here I will leave,
I have nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose.

In this temporary world,
what knowledge is actually mine,
everything I knew here,
everything here I will leave,
I have nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose.

In this temporary world,
what happiness is forever mine,
happiness I got here,
happiness here I will leave,
I have nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose.

In this temporary world,
what fame is forever mine,
fame I got here,
fame here I will leave,
I have nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose.

In this temporary world,
what sorrow is forever mine,
sorrows I got here,
sorrows here I will leave,
I have nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose.

In this temporary world,
even the body is not forever mine,
This body I got here,
This body here I will leave,
I have nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose.

In this temporary world,
only I am forever mine,
I was always there,
and I will always be,
I have nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose.