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Cheer up dear

Published:Nov 1, 2014

In the hope that you would come
I am still here online,
Though you feel that the guilt is all yours,
I feel some guilt to be mine.
I am not the one you want,
I know it, and that is perfectly fine,
You have been in pain so long that,
I just wanted you to have a smile.
Clouds of sadness cover the sun,
but it’s just a matter of time,
The sun never looses the hope,
and comes forward with all its shine.

So my dear please cheer up,
Everything will become alright,
Although you said that life is over,
I say the best is yet to arrive.
So my dear please move on,
Everrything will again be fine,
Although life is full of ups and downs,
It can give you a happy surprise.

In the hope to cheer you up,
I wrote these few lines,
Now that I’ll be retiring to loneliness,
I bid you a sweet good night :)