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A feeling so strange

Published:Dec 3, 2014

So strange this feeling is,
I don’t know how to say,
Feel a love unconditional that,
want to embrace everyone on my way.

Want to hug and embrace everyone,
be he my enemy or my friend,
Want to fill their hearts with love so much that,
even after eons and eons the love can’t end.

The way I see it I am gone for ever,
neither leave nor can I stay,
This feeling of love is flooding my heart so that,
for your help O Lord, thou I sincerely pray.

Is this what they call the love untold,
through the heart only which is experienced,
Only but You now I see my Lord so that,
I know not how long can I keep it suppressed.

Strange indeed this feeling is,
I have no words for it to express,
This Jabahar has gone mad O Lord,
embracing to Your heart please give him solace.